How Much?!?

by | Feb 29, 2024

One of Jeffry’s top followers, Randall, just sent in a note that left us with our jaw on the floor. There’s not much we can say except, “Congratulations, Randall!”

It goes without saying that results like this are not typical. Randall’s patience, timing and experience all factor in. Plus, we’re not sure how much Randall started with.

But even with all that in mind, take a look below at the results he’s managed to achieve.

— The Jeffry Turnmire Trading Team

DISCLAIMER: The results Randall claims are stellar, but no one can promise you will achieve the same results. Plenty of customers received the same signals as Randall and this is the only testimonial we’ve seen claiming gains of this size. Everyone’s capital and risk tolerance is different, so everyone will achieve different results, even with the same signals. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Never trade with money you can’t afford to lose.

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