Where I’ve Been for the Last 10 Days

by | Jul 26, 2024

Monday I’ll be back at my desk ready to trade.

But for the past 10 days I’ve been on vacation in and around the San Juan mountains in south central Colorado.

So as I’m getting ready to wrap up my time here, I thought I’d share some of the beautiful scenery I’ve been taking in.

First up… North Clear Creek Falls on Slumgullion pass.

This place is way up there at 11,574 feet in Hinsdale County, Colorado.

It’s got some of the steepest grades you’ll find on any paved road in the state.

Quite the drive, but absolutely worth it for the views!

Next up, this canyon down below with the mountains behind it is North Clear Creek looking back toward the Continental Divide to the south.

The Continental Divide is a natural wonder running through the Americas, splitting the watersheds between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

In Colorado, it cuts through some of the most stunning landscapes, including high peaks and rugged terrain.

And last but not least… 

This deserty tree area you see down below is along the elephant rocks around Penitente Canyon.

The North Clear Creek is fuzzy in the distance because of smoke coming down from Canada from all the wildfires.

As you can see, it’s been a very scenic vacation. Very relaxing and peaceful.

Speaking of relaxing and peaceful… From the looks of the past few days in the markets, it looks like I picked the right week to go away.

But don’t worry I’ll be back at my desk ready to take on the markets with you Monday morning.

Hope liked the photos I shared.

Enjoy your weekend,

— Geof Smith

P.S. If you haven’t seen Nate Tucci’s “options hack”, you’re missing out on something special. Check it out here.


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