Trump’s Assassination Attempt
Saturday was a dark day for our country. The former POTUS and current presidential candidate took a bullet to the ear. If fate had moved one inch differently, then we’d be having a very different conversation today and our country would be in a very different place… My guess? Civil unrest.
Luckily the bullet merely pierced former President Trump’s ear and he lives to lead the Republican party another day.
But today I want to discuss some of the news cycle that surrounded the assassination attempt and why it’s an important lesson for us not just in the political landscape but across the board.
This is how CNN downplayed the event….
And another article from CNN…
The official headline from NBC was that he was rushed off after “popping noises” were heard — meanwhile 8 shots were known to be fired and an innocent man had already lost his life at this point.
A former president and current presidential candidate was shot in an assassination attempt and all they can report on is a “fall” and an “incident”.
There were other articles, too, with some saying things like “event interrupted by secret service”.
Many news outlets have downplayed the severity of what just happened.
Now, this disconnection from reality might remind you of an article I wrote just a few weeks ago about how the mainstream financial media is also completely out of touch. They’ve become just as unreliable as the political media… all biased and each with their own agendas.
And this week is another reminder of why it’s so critical to develop your own research and be a realist when it comes to the never-ending streams of narratives that come our way in the modern world. If we take everything at face value, we’ll just spin our wheels in false assumptions and bad data.
Now, I also believe something else just occurred:
The election cycle was completely changed
In my opinion, this election cycle feels like — in one moment — it went from still pretty early in the heat of the election to basically over.
Just weeks ago Trump was considered leading — but on shaky ground in some swing states and it was still at the point that Democrats were talking about replacing Biden because it’s early enough in the election cycle for a change like that.
Now, it feels like the tide has accelerated 10 fold and the Trump backers are energized like never before, while at the same time official endorsements are coming out consistently since the attempt. After the assassination attempt, Elon Musk even came out publicly endorsing Trump, along with a host of others.
Other middling political commentators are switching sides as well… At the recent debate, this tide has already begun. Momentum was building. Now it feels like a tidal wave.
Don’t get me wrong…
I would never call a US election over until the final votes are counted, but this is starting to feel like an assumed event rather than an intense election.
That matters because what we will see are dominoes falling now based on a Trump victory on November 6th.
In other words, inflows will hit stocks that are perceived as “Trump Stocks” now rather than waiting for the election.
At the same time, I’d expect outflows from assets considered well-positioned with a left-leaning ruling class like green energy.
I will keep an eye on this development and update you as those opportunities play out, but I think our cycle of events has been significantly impacted by this event.
On top of all that, this will certainly spike volatility. Questions like “Will another attempt be made?” are, of course, circulating at hyperspeed right now.
What about still pulling Biden out of the race?
These uncertainties will create a distribution of some folks being vastly bullish with others running in fear — and that means volatility.
That’s exactly what my Jump Trades strategy is built to take advantage of, so our timing is perfect.
Remember, we have an urgent briefing tomorrow, Tuesday July 16th @ 1pm to walk through the entire Jump Trades opportunity including a new trade targeting about 200%…
If you’re not registered, hurry and go here.
—Nate Tucci